The Bastion
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The Bastion is set on the human continent of Ojta on a world with many mythological creatures. The Ojta is under siege of the Advance, but the conflict has come to a stalemate. The Advance cannot find the hidden villages where the youth are protected, raised, and trained to fight. The rebellion cannot take back control from such a large force. The standoff has persisted for years until a sorceress mysteriously appears and then disappears just as inexplicably. This woman may hold the key to victory for either side. The catch... she is not human.


Hi, just a brief run down. I am a female majoring in computer science, yes computer science (no, I'm not going to give out my real name). I liked graphics since high school and had a friend get me into it. Lucky for me, I was decent at programming. Unfortunately, college makes you forget the definition of "free time," so if I'm slow to respond you know why. Anyway, I always enjoyed fantasy and sci-fi genres, and then had the dame friend as a mentioned before encourage me to a webcomic. The Bastion is the result.


The comic starts out violently and it will be quite bloody again. Bloody enough that I'm giving the comic a PG-14 rating for almost that alone. Now, I have no intention of putting nudity, sex, or hentai in the comic so if that's what you want...shoo, look elsewhere because it is not going to be found here. I also plan to keep the swearing down to a minimum. In short it I might, I repeat, might, use a mild swear word in instances many other comics would put a "hair curling" one.






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